Kristina Ping

Personal Growth, Life & Mindfullness Coach


Jimbaran, Bali

4 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review all starts in the MIND

Ping is a Certified Professional Coach with passion to help others to discover the true power of their MIND. Mengurai pikiran; Think Better, Live Better. 

With a degree of Bachelor of Arts, has over 25 years professional background as senior management in Hospitality Industry, training facilitator, self-growth counselors and Sales, with wide range of experience in People Management, Motivator, Business Development and Start-up Management. 

Aim to deliver coachee to unleash their true power of mind, self-discovering the solution and grow to be their better self

Love to discuss Personal Growth, Self Discovery, Life Motivation, Leadership, People Management and Business Development. 

Founder of pinkidea Consulting, a mother of 2 young adults and a cheerful-boy, believes that pink is everything, a tea-addict, a k-Pop fans and a heart full of thanks on God goodness. Based in Bali.

.....happiness is within you. Let's talk.

Whats App +628113992010
LinkedIn ID: 6651a09b