Ika Kharismasari

Life Coach



19.5 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


Total Clients


Total Review

Starting from the experience of being a peer-counselor in a youth center, the will of helping people to be brave to be their true selves has become my passion.

Now, I choose to live my passion diligently after 13 years of working as a corporate legal in BUMN. I live my life gratefully and hope that one has a great life too. A great life can be achieved by continuously upgrading ourselves to be the best version of ourselves.

As a coach, I'll be honored and happy to be chosen as someone trusted in accompanying you in your journey to find the best version of yourself.

Apa kata coachee tentang Ika Kharismasari ?

Hendryk Limbong
4 years ago

Coach sangat membantu saya menyadari hal hal yg sering saya tunda, sehingga saya terpacu utk menyelesaikan hal hal tsb demi masa depan saya... tengkyu Coach

Nensi Sarina
4 years ago

Coach sangat membantu membuka pikiran saya, sehingga saya lebih memahami diri saya sendiri dan dapat mengambil langkah-langkah yang tepat untuk menghadapi situasi tidak baik yang sedang saya alami. Thank you dan semangat selalu, Coach!