Laurencia Lina

Executive and Transformational Coach



1023.75 Coaching Hours


Completed Session


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As an executive and transformational coach, Lina enjoys creating reflective space for her clients allowing them to bring a deeper awareness and reconnect with their natural best.

Lina’s expertise in Emotional Intelligence and Human Transformation enables her to blend systemic thinking in coaching with psychological dimension of human being to help executives and leaders understand complexities of corporate world and yet achieve clarity on what they can do to succeed in their direction.

Prior to becoming a coach, Lina worked for 15 years in various roles in a multi national technology company. This corporate experience has shaped her leadership style and interpersonal skills along with rich learning experience in marketing strategy, business development, and customer relationship.

Since 2011 she has dedicated her time to create more impact on people through coaching profession.

She blends the art and science of coaching to help corporate leaders become aware of parallel aspects that influence their decisions about people and business.  

As a result, not only performance is achieved but also engagement quality between individuals in the workplace is equally improved.

Coaching Expertise

In the field of corporate and executive coaching, Lina specialises her expertise in the areas of:

- Mindset and behavioral change
- Communication and interpersonal skills
- Developing core strengths
- Developing inspirational leadership
- High performance collaboration
- Building coaching culture

Layanan Coaching dari Laurencia Lina

Rebound Yourself in Career, Business, and Life
Rebound Yourself in Career, Business, and Life

Hightlight Rebound Youself merupakan layanan program coaching bagi Anda yang menginginkan pengembangan di area pekerjaan, karir, bisnis, dan aspek kehidupan lainnya. Dapa...

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Face_to_face Duration: 60 min/sesi

Apa kata coachee tentang Laurencia Lina ?

Daru Mukarta - Coaching Indonesia
4 years ago

Coach Lina memberikan perspektif baru yang menantang saya untuk melihat tim saya secara netral tapi tetap memberikan situasi yang kondusif buat mereka memanage expektasi dari outer/luar maupun inner/dalam. Menyenangkan!