Naindra Pramudita

Executive & Life Coach



1045.75 Coaching Hours


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Dita is a professional coach specialising in Executive/Corporate & Life Coaching. In Corporate Coaching, Dita specialising her services in the area of leadership transformation. Her experience in corporate environment and community, both as an initiator and a leader, has contributed to her coaching in creating stronger relationship between individuals in the team amidst difficult and challenging business dynamic.

Her passion to parenting and career journey inspired her to initiate Aleta, a life coaching division in Coaching Indonesia since 2018. Aleta offers many services in life coaching - generic life, parenting, career, relationship, wellness, transformational coaching. Following her passion in parenting and children development; and her strong belief about how unique, beautiful and full potential people are, Dita specialising her services in Parenting and Career Coaching. Dita sees her calling to connect people with their Best Self is widely served in partnering with people to grow continously as human being through their role as parents and through their career journey.

At Coaching Indonesia Dita also serves as the CEO of Coaching Indonesia's subsidiary - Cipta Kreasi Mahardhika, home of Coaching Indonesia Academy that responsible to provide coaching certification programs and develop new coaches through continuing professional education.

Dita is an Associate Certified Coach (ACC) from International Coaching Federation, Certified Parenting Coach and Points of You Expert. 

Layanan Coaching dari Naindra Pramudita

Rebound Yourself in Career, Business, and Life
Rebound Yourself in Career, Business, and Life

Hightlight Rebound Youself merupakan layanan program coaching bagi Anda yang menginginkan pengembangan di area pekerjaan, karir, bisnis, dan aspek kehidupan lainnya. Dapa...

Total Sesi: 4 Delivery: Face_to_face Duration: 60 min/sesi